
Session NetSciQCom-S1

Keynote Talk

2:00 PM — 3:30 PM EDT
May 20 Sat, 2:00 PM — 3:30 PM EDT


Prof. Saikat Guha (University of Arizona)

This talk does not have an abstract.
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Throughput Measurements and Capacity Estimates for Quantum Connections

Nageswara Rao (Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA); Muneer Alshowkan (ORNL, USA); Joseph Chapman (Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA); Nicholas Peters (Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA); Joe Lukens (Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA)

The throughput of conventional and quantum network connections is an important performance metric, which is typically specified by bits per second (bps) and entangled quntum bits per second (ebps), respectively. It is measured over practical quantum network connections using specialized methods, and estimated using analytical bounds for which extensive theory has been developed. For practical connections, however, these two quantities have often been hard to correlate due to the lack of measurements and estimates derived under well-characterized common conditions. They both differ significantly from the conventional network throughput of TCP which employs buffers and loss recovery mechanisms. We describe a conventionalquantum testbed that enables the comparison of these two quantities both qualitatively and quantitatively. The bps and ebps throughput is measured over fiber connections of lengths over 75 kilometers, which show that the former decreases significantly slower with distance than the latter and in a qualitatively different way. The analytic capacity estimates of ebps are derived using approximations based on light intensity measurements, and they decrease more rapidly with distance than the measured ebps throughput. These results provide qualitative insights into the conventional transport mechanisms based on buffers, and the conditions used in deriving the analytical ebps capacity estimates.
Speaker Nageswara Rao

NAGESWARA RAO received PhD in computer science from Louisiana State University in 1988. He is currently a Corporate Fellow at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, where he joined in 1993. His research areas include high performance and quantum networking, information fusion, machine learning, and federations of science instruments. He is a Fellow of IEEE, and received 2005 IEEE Computer Society Technical Achievement Award and 2014 R&D 100 Award.

Session Chair

Nageswara Rao (Oak Ridge National Laboratory, United States)

Session NetSciQCom-S2

Contributed Talks

4:00 PM — 6:00 PM EDT
May 20 Sat, 4:00 PM — 6:00 PM EDT

An Efficient and Secure Post-Quantum Multi-Authority Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption Method Using Lattice

Prithwi Bagchi (International Institute of Information Technology Hyderabad, India); Basudeb Bera (Singapore University of Technology and Design); Raj Maheshwari (International Institute of Information Technology Hyderabad, India); Ashok Kumar Das (International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad, India); David Yau (Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore); Biplab Sikdar (National University of Singapore, Singapore)

This article deals with designing an efficient postquantum lattice based encryption scheme that relies on the multiauthority Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption (CPABE). The security of the proposed scheme is based on the hardness of the ring learning with errors (RLWE) problem. The construction of the proposed scheme is done using the Shamir’s threshold secret sharing along with the Lagrange interpolation during the key generation and decryption processes in order to achieve the segmentation and restoration of private keys. A comparative study with the existing state of art schemes has been performed to show the feasibility and efficiency of the proposed scheme. Furthermore, experiments on the proposed scheme have been conducted to illustrate the computational time required during the key generation, encryption and decryption processes.
Speaker Prithwi Bagchi

Prithwi Bagchi is currently a PhD student in computer science and engineering with the Center for Security, Theory and Algorithmic Research, International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad, India. He received his M.Sc. degree in mathematics from the Presidency University, West Bengal, India. His research interests include cryptography, lattice based cryptography, and network security.

Entanglement Distribution in Quantum Repeater with Purification and Optimized Buffer Time

Allen Zang (University of Chicago, USA); Xinan Chen (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA); Alexander Kolar (University of Chicago, USA); Joaquin Chung (Argonne National Laboratory, USA); Martin Suchara (Amazon Web Services, USA); Tian Zhong (University of Chicago, USA); Rajkumar Kettimuthu (Argonne National Lab, USA)

Quantum repeater networks that allow longdistance entanglement distribution will be the backbone of distributed quantum information processing. In this paper we explore entanglement distribution using quantum repeaters with optimized buffer time, equipped with noisy quantum memories and performing imperfect entanglement purification and swapping. We observe that increasing the number of memories on end nodes leads to a higher entanglement distribution rate per memory and higher probability of high-fidelity entanglement distribution, at least for the case with perfect operations. When imperfect operations are considered, however, we make the surprising observation that the per-memory entanglement rate decreases with increasing number of memories. Our results suggest that building quantum repeaters that perform well under realistic conditions requires careful modeling and design that takes into consideration the operations and resources that are finite and imperfect.
Speaker Allen Zang (University of Chicago)

Allen Zang is a PhD candidate in Quantum Science and Engineering at Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering, The University of Chicago. He conducts research on quantum networking and quantum information both theoretically and computationally, with a current focus on entanglement generation, distribution and manipulation in realistic scenarios. He is also a core contributor to the open-source quantum network simulator SeQUeNCe.

FPGA-based Deterministic and Low-Latency Control for Distributed Quantum Computing

Romerson D Oliveira (University of Bristol & High Performance Networks Group, United Kingdom (Great Britain)); Sima Bahrani (University of Bristol, United Kingdom (Great Britain)); Ekin Arabul (University of Bristol, United Kingdom (Great Britain)); Rui Wang (University of Bristol, United Kingdom (Great Britain)); Reza Nejabati (University of Bristol, United Kingdom (Great Britain)); Dimitra Simeonidou (University of Bristol, United Kingdom (Great Britain))

Distributed quantum computing is a promising solution for creating large-scale quantum computers. In such scenarios, quantum processing units (QPUs) are connected to each other via quantum and classical links. To increase the performance in such a distributed manner, and due to the fragile nature of quantum bits and their decoherence with time, the impact of classical links such as communication latency and jitter between QPUs shall be considered. Here, we propose a lowlatency and time-deterministic FPGA-based network supporting execution of distributed quantum circuits. We focus on transmissions of measurement result and control messages as well as synchronization in a distributed network. We demonstrate that a message is transmitted with 361.60 ns between QPUs using optical Ethernet. Synchronization reaches 9.6 ns precision using only Ethernet frames and can reach 21 ps with an external clock. Further, a use-case example of an Inverse Quantum Fourier Transform is implemented to evaluate the impact in terms of latency for inter-QPU data transfers. Our theoretical error analysis and simulation results show that the latency added by our FPGA-controlled network has a negligible impact on the quantum algorithm performance for practical values of memory decoherence time.
Speaker Sima bahrani (University of Bristol)

Sima Bahrani is a senior research associate at Smart Internet Lab, The University of Bristol. She is a member of High Performance Networks Group. Her research areas include quantum communication, quantum networks, and optical communication.  

W-State as a OHE Scheme for Efficient Path Selection on Quantum Random Walks

Julie A Germain (University of North Texas, USA); Ram Dantu (University of North Texas, USA)

Random walks are a promising area, where quantum computing could provide a speed advantage over classical computing. All random walks require a means to randomly select the direction of the path as it leaves each node. Previous quantum random walk approaches have used a “coin toss” approach, by taking advantage of the inherent randomness generated by a Hadamard gate applied to a qubit(s), to randomly select which edge to traverse. Inspired by AI’s common use of one-hot encoding (OHE) and noting that W-State entanglement effectively generates a random OHE value, we designed and tested a OHEbased alternative for randomly selecting the next graph edge to travel. Though the “coin toss” approach has the advantage of requiring fewer qubits as the graphs increase in degree, our experiments confirmed that the approach had poor outcomes, at even slight graph size increases. In contrast, the OHE scheme was more successful at generating correct results when run on quantum hardware, indicating the trade-off of more qubits to obtain a usable outcome could be warranted. Neither would lead us to expect results adequate to perform large quantum random walks, but, provide guidance that the OHE approach is likely a step forward in that direction.
Speaker Julie Germain

Julie Germain is a PhD CSCE student at the University of North Texas, with a research focus on Quantum Computing. She has a background as a multidisciplinary engineer, including education and industry experience in the areas of Mechanical Engineering (Aircraft Structures), Manufacturing Engineering, Producibility Engineering, Systems Engineering, and Technology sales and sales support. She taught engineering courses for two years, as an Adjunct Professor (teaching Engineering Graphics and Programming for Engineers). She has 30+ years of industry experience working for a defense contractor, a High-Performance computing company (SGI), and a high-performance storage company (Seagate).

Session Chair

Arunabha Sen (Arizona State University, United States)

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