
Session CNERT-O

Opening Session

10:00 AM — 10:05 AM EDT
May 20 Sat, 7:00 AM — 7:05 AM PDT

Session Chair

Deniz Gurkan (University of Houston, United States); Cong Wang (RENCI - UNC Chapel Hill, United States)

Session CNERT-K


10:05 AM — 11:00 AM EDT
May 20 Sat, 7:05 AM — 8:00 AM PDT

AI@Edge Computing: Waggle, Sage, and Beyond.

Rajesh Sankaran, Argonne National Lab

Recently, linking advanced sensors to Artificial intelligence (AI)-enabled edge computing devices has transformed the distributed sensing and HPC landscape. Low-power computing devices can be physically co-located with sensors to enable in-situ computation along the computing continuum that can stretch from thousands of sensors to dozens of leadership-class HPC systems. In this new digital continuum, AI is providing tremendous breakthroughs, making data analysis and automated responses possible across the digital continuum. AI-driven data analysis and lightweight AI training now begins at the sensor. Waggle is a Department of Energy (DOE) funded state-of-the-art open-source reusable and scalable cyberinfrastructure to enable AI at the edge. Sage is a National Science Foundation (NSF) funded project to build a national cyberinfrastructure for programmable edge computing, leveraging the Waggle AI@Edge platform. This new edge computing programming framework gives scientists a new tool for exploring the impacts of global urbanization, natural disasters such as flooding and wildfires, and climate change on natural ecosystems and city infrastructure. Sage is deploying cyberinfrastructure in environmental test-beds in California, Montana, Colorado, Oklahoma, and Kansas, in the National Ecological Observatory Network, and in urban environments in Illinois and Texas. Beyond Waggle, Sage and other DOE efforts, this talk will discuss our vision for edge computing from applications to capabilities, and outline the research and development challenges.
Speaker biography is not available.

Session Chair

Violet R. Syrotiuk (Arizona State University, United States)

Session CNERT-P


11:00 AM — 12:00 PM EDT
May 20 Sat, 8:00 AM — 9:00 AM PDT

User Needs and Testbed Offerings - Is it always smooth?

Panelists (in alphabetical order): Dr. Ilya Baldin, RENCI, USA (FABRIC), Mr. Abhimanyu Gosain, Northeastern University, USA (Northeastern University), Dr. Katarzyna Keahey, Argonne National Lab, USA (Chameleon Cloud), Dr. Rajesh Sankaran, Argonne National Lab, USA (SAGE)

This panel considers topics in the testbed builder and user interaction. This includes, but is not limited to, new testbed features, and user needs, and try to bridge the testbed builders and user, as well as future testbed ideas.
Speaker biography is not available.

Session Chair

Deniz Gurkan (University of Houston, United States); Cong Wang (RENCI - UNC Chapel Hill, United States)

Session CNERT-S1

Session 1, Experimentation Enabling Capabilities

12:30 PM — 2:00 PM EDT
May 20 Sat, 9:30 AM — 11:00 AM PDT

Efficient VM migration for multiple destination sites across a Japan-US OpenFlow testbed

Kazumi Igarashi; Akira Nagata; Yohei Okamoto; Masahiro Shibata; Kenichi Kourai; Masato Tsuru

A globally integrated testbed for various experiments of Japan-US cross-border distributed applications based on the edge cloud computing technology was constructed and operated as part of an international joint research program, Japan-US Network Opportunity 2 (JUNO2). The testbed consists of many virtual machines (VMs) at Kyushu Institute of Technology (Kyutech), The City College of The City University of New York (CCNY), StarBED (a large-scale PC cluster testbed), and RISE (a wide-area OpenFlow testbed) over multiple Layer-2 virtual networks (VLANs) through collaboration with international research and educational networks. Those VLANs are used as the data and the control planes with a single OpenFlow controller and twelve OpenFlow switches. As an example, this paper introduces an experiment of VM migration among CCNY, Kyutech, and StarBED for a global virtual collaborative working environment. An OpenFlow-based multicasting scheme is adopted for efficient use of the bottleneck network bandwidth in replicating a large VM environment from CCNY to two sites in Japan. The implementation details on the global testbed and the experimental results are reported, verifying that the multicast-based transfer halves the elapsed time of VM migration compared with the unicast-based transfer.
Speaker Kazumi Igarashi

Kazumi Igarashi is a researcher at Kyushu Institute of Technology in Japan.

She was a member of research project RECN supported by NSF and NICT and conducted experiments over the testbed.

A Framework to Enable Runtime Programmable P4-enabled FPGAs in the Open Cloud Testbed

Zhaoyang Han; Suranga Handagala; Kalyani Patle; Michael Zink; Miriam Leeser

This paper presents a framework for cloud users who wish to specify their experiments in the P4 language and map them to FPGAs in the Open Cloud Testbed (OCT). OCT consists of P4-enabled FPGA nodes that are directly connected to the network via 100 gigabit ethernet connections, and which support runtime reconfiguration. Cloud users can quickly prototype and deploy their P4 applications through our framework, which provides the necessary infrastructure including a network interface shell for the P4 logic. We have provided several examples using this framework that demonstrate designs running at the 100 GbE line rate with the support of runtime reconfiguration for P4 functions. By combining an existing network interface shell and P4 toolchain on FPGAs, we offer a framework that enables users to rapidly execute their P4 experiments in real time on FPGAs.
Speaker Zhaoyang Han

Design and Analysis of an Open-Source SDN-based 5G Standalone Testbed

Diana S Pineda Andrade; Ricardo Harrilal-Parchment; Kemal Akkaya; Ahmed S. Ibrahim; Alexander Pons

The fifth generation of mobile wireless communication represents a significant evolution of mobile networks due to its promises of Enhanced Mobile Broadband (eMBB), Ultra-Reliable Low Latency Communications (URLLC), and Massive Machine Type Communications (mMTC) to be applied to real-world applications. Even though there have been 5G Network deployments in some parts of the world that depend on 4G/LTE Core Networks, 5G is still a work in progress, with ongoing research and development to improve and develop this technology. 5G testbeds are essential for ongoing research to propose a solution, simulate, configure, test, and evaluate the impact of different network parameters on the system. Therefore, this paper presents a comprehensive approach to deploying a Standalone (SA) SDN-based 5G testbed for researchers to study and improve the performance of 5G Networks. Our testbed includes integrating several open-source projects to provide two testing scenarios where we assess the throughput and latency performance, Network Slicing configuration, and the feasibility of SDN capabilities. The testbed provides a helpful instrument and lessons learned for the research community to improve and contribute to the successful deployment of 5G Networks in the real world.
Speaker Diana Pineda Andrade (Florida International University)

Diana Pineda graduated Summa Cum Laude in Fall of 2021 from Florida International University with a bachelor’s in Science in Computer Engineering. Currently, she is pursuing a Masters’s degree in Computer Engineering and working as Graduate Research Assistant in the Engineering and Computing Department at FIU. She is working on security implementations for 5G SDN-based network architectures.

Dimensioning Wireless Embedded Test Environments to Support Continuous Integration

Matevz Vucnik; Carolina Fortuna; Mihael Mohorcic

Software development and testing is a complex process involving skilled people and infrastructure. A mix of evolving organizational practices, development practices and infrastructure contribute to the efficiency of the overall process, which is relatively well understood for general-purpose development. The development of wireless firmware and its testing in a real environment, however, is notably more challenging because the code needs to be compiled, uploaded and tested on target embedded hardware instead of a general-purpose computer. This requires purposefully developed testing infrastructure that needs to be optimally dimensioned to satisfy the needs of the development team. In this paper, we propose a capacity dimensioning of the supporting infrastructure illustrated in a reference case study. In particular, our capacity dimensioning simulator shows that for a team of 10 developers, only 1-2 parallel embedded test environments are needed to ensure test completion in less than 10 minutes in 95% of the cases.
Speaker Carolina Fortuna (Jozef Stefan Institute)

Carolina Fortuna is a Senior Research Fellow at the Jozef Stefan Institute and leads SensorLab. Her research focuses on developing the next generation smart infrastructures that surround us and improve the quality of our life. Leveraging advanced computational techniques, such as machine learning and symbolic AI, her group designs new cutting edge components and systems. She has extensive international experience through studying abroad at Ghent University and visiting Infolab at Stanford. She led, under various positions, teams for 7 EU funded projects, advised/co-advised 8+ PhD and MSc students, published 20 mostly 1A1 journal papers (including an IF > 25), 90+ peer reviewed scientific works, contributed to community work as track chair, TPC member and reviewer. 

Session Chair

Ibrahim Matta (Boston University, United States)

Session CNERT-S2

Session 2, Services and network design

2:15 PM — 3:25 PM EDT
May 20 Sat, 11:15 AM — 12:25 PM PDT

Some of the Internet may be heading towards BBR dominance: an experimental study

Ashutosh Srivastava; Fraida Fund; Shivendra Panwar

Low latency TCP congestion control (CC) is a key enabler of delay-sensitive applications such as cloud gaming, remote driving, and virtual/augmented reality(VR/AR). In recent years, TCP BBR has emerged as a popular choice for low latency CC, with it already having widespread adoption. However, a critical question that needs to be studied is how BBR will coexist with the current most dominant CC protocol on the internet, i.e., TCP Cubic. A recently published study proposed a mathematical model for the coexistence of TCP BBR and TCP Cubic. This study on BBR dominance predicted that the internet will reach a stable mixed distribution of BBR and Cubic flows, resulting in a Nash Equilibrium where no traffic will have any incentive to switch between BBR and Cubic. This work presents a fully reproducible experiment on an open-access networking testbed that replicates the major experiments from the BBR dominance study. In addition to reproducing the original results, we further show that the predictions of the proposed model do not hold up in specific scenarios that are highly relevant to today's low-latency networks. Our work motivates future work to improve the analysis of BBR and Cubic's coexistence. We also share all artifacts necessary to reproduce our experiment to help other researchers easily replicate this study and to further use it as a baseline for their research on low latency CC.
Speaker Ashutosh Srivastava

Ashutosh Srivastava is a PhD student in the Electrical and Computer Engineering department at NYU Tandon School of Engineering. He received the Bachelor of Technology degree in Electrical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur in 2019. His research focuses on TCP congestion control for wireless networks and the coexistence of low latency congestion control over the public internet.

Enabling Security Research through Efficient Partial Deployment Topology Configuration and Validation

Bashayer Alharbi; Karl Olson; Eric Keller

How to measure security value in partial deployments has long been a consideration for the Internet research community. Without clear security outcomes, adoption of security mechanisms may take years before users begin to see any benefit. This lack of clarity can serve to further delay adoption as incentives to implement are often outweighed by additional costs or complexity. While prior efforts have looked at theoretical approaches to estimate this critical mass of partial deployment within a topology, no effort has been able to effectively simulate and measure such an outcome. In this work, we provide an early effort to demonstrate how topology simulation can be used to effectively deploy and measure partial deployments of RPKI utilizing the SEED Internet Emulator. Our efforts show that this approach can be used to simulate large networks and provide an effective means to measure partial deployment value of security protocol deployments. Further, we demonstrate that adoption rates of greater than fifty percent begin to show exponential return on security outcomes for both adopters and non-adopters alike.
Speaker Bashayer Alharbi

Bashayer Alharbi is a Phd student at the University of Colorado Boulder.

Experiments on Network Services for Video Transmission using FABRIC Instrument Resources

Alicia Esquivel Morel; Durbek Gafurov; Prasad Calyam; Cong Wang; Komal Thareja; Anirban Mandal; Eric Lyons; Michael Zink; George Papadimitriou; Ewa Deelman

Video-based applications continue to be one of the most popular applications on the Internet that is continually evolving. There is a need to develop novel network services that enable reliable video transmission over network paths with dynamic cross-traffic, as well as services that utilize programmable data planes enabled by Protocol-independent Packet Processors (P4). In this paper, we describe experiences on developing network services for reliable video transmission using resources from the FABRIC network instrument, which supports high-performance edge/cloud as well as programmable networking infrastructure. Specifically, we deploy a programmable network using local Ethernet (Layer 2) sites, as well as geographically distributed wide-area network (LAN extension) sites in FABRIC, in order to experiment with visual cloud computing application use cases. Our experiment results provide insights into benefits of data plane programmability (i.e., port forwarding) on improving video streaming quality and compare CPU vs. GPU processing times while completing object detection pipeline processing to obtain visual situational awareness.
Speaker Alicia Esquivel Morel

Graduate research assistant at the University of Missouri, Columbia - USA. Pursued her master’s as a Fulbright Scholar and currently working towards her PhD in Computer Science. She has been working with various NSF-funded testbeds, migrating simulation experiments to real world use-cases and infrastructures, including GENI, FABRIC, and POWDER.

Session Chair

Cong Wang (RENCI - UNC Chapel Hill, United States)

Session CNERT-S3

Session 3, Wireless

3:40 PM — 5:00 PM EDT
May 20 Sat, 12:40 PM — 2:00 PM PDT

On Enhancing Transport & Logistics Sectors with 5G Testbeds and Edge Network Applications (EdgeApps)

Vincent Charpentier; Nina Slamnik-Krijestorac; Xiangyu Lian; Joao F. N. Pinheiro; Cristina Emilia Costa; Johann M. Marquez-Barja

The Transport & Logistics (T&L) industry directly employs around 10 million people and accounts for 5% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the European Union (EU). Effective T&L systems are fundamental for the ability of European companies to compete in the world economy. With the advent of 5G with the data rates of up to 20Gbps, its end-to-end latencies down to 5ms, and its very high reliability (99,999%), there is a significant opportunity to bring innovations to the T&L vertical, and why the T&L sector is expected to be one of the key adopters of 5G technology. In this paper, we define 5G testbed tailored to T&L vertical services, which are designed and developed using the concept of 5G-based Edge Network Applications defined within the European project VITAL-5G. In addition to the testbed, we also describe the interaction with the testbed and its accessibility via VITAL-5G platform, which supports T&L actors to experiment and validate their services within the real-life 5G-based T&L environment (e.g., sea ports, river ports, and warehouses).
Speaker Vincent Charpentier (Antwerp University)

Vincent Charpentier is a PhD candidate at the University of Antwerp within the research group IDLab of imec, located in Belgium. His main research topic is 5G vehicular communications applied to Transport and Logistics (T&L) verticals.

Efficient Schemes for Improved Performance in 6TiSCH Networks

Alakesh Kalita; Abhishek Hazra; Mohan Gurusamy

The 6TiSCH (IPv6 over Time Slotted Channel Hopping (TSCH) mode of IEEE 802.15.4e) network is standardized to provide high reliability, higher throughput, delay-bounded, and energy-efficient communication in various resource-constrained Internet of Things (IoT) networks. However, it is observed that 6TiSCH network suffers from load balancing issue due to the default parent selection mechanism of its de-facto routing protocol, RPL (Routing Protocol for Low power and Lossy network). Furthermore, the performance of 6TiSCH network degrades due to improper management of nodes' queue/buffer. None of the existing works studied these problems in RPL-based 6TiSCH networks. Therefore, in this work, we first validate these two problems using testbed experiments. Then, we propose an Early Parent Switching (EPS) scheme to deal with the load balancing problem of RPL by which nodes are allowed to change their parents depending on the remaining queue capacity of the parents. We propose another scheme named Parrondo's Paradoxical Queue Management (PPQM) for efficiently managing the nodes' queue so that buffer overflow can be reduced. We implement EPS and PPQM on Contiki-NG OS and perform testbed experiments on FIT IoT-LAB. Testbed experiment results show that both the proposed schemes can significantly improve the performance of 6TiSCH networks
Speaker Dr Alakesh Kalita, Research Fellow, National University of Singapore

Dr. Alakesh Kalita received the Ph.D. degree in computer science and engineering from IIT Guwahati, India, in 2022. He is currently a Post-doctoral Research Fellow at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore. He received the B.Tech. degree from Assam Don Bosco University, Guwahati, India, in 2012, and the M.Tech degree from Assam University, Silchar, India, in 2016. His research interests include Internet of Things, Edge/Cloud Computing.

A Millimeter-Wave Software-Defined Radio for Wireless Experimentation

Alphan Sahin; Mihail Sichitiu; Ismail Guvenc

In this study, we propose a low-cost and portable millimeter-wave software-defined radio (SDR) for wireless experimentation in the 60 GHz band. The proposed SDR uses Xilinx RFSoC2x2 and Sivers EVK06002 homodyne transceiver and provides a TCP/IP-based interface for companion computer (CC)-based baseband signal processing. To address the large difference between the processing speed of the CC and the sample rate of analog-to-digital converters, we propose a method, called waveform-triggered reception (WTR), where a hard-coded block detects a special trigger waveform to acquire a pre-determined number of IQ samples upon the detection. We also introduce a buffer mechanism to support discontinuous transmissions. By utilizing the WTR along with discontinuous transmissions, we conduct a beam sweeping experiment, where we evaluate 4096 beam pairs rapidly without compromising the flexibility of the CC-based processing. We also generate a dataset that allows one to calculate physical layer parameters such as signal-to-noise ratio and channel frequency response for a given pair of transmit and receive beam indices.
Speaker Alphan Sahin

Dr. Alphan Şahin received his B.S. degrees in electrical engineering and telecommunication engineering, and his M.S. degree in electrical engineering from Istanbul Technical University in 2005, 2006, and 2008, respectively. Between 2006 and 2009, he was with the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey and worked on information security as a researcher. He received his Ph.D. in electrical engineering from the University of South Florida, Tampa, FL in 2013. Between 2014 and 2015, he visited Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, and Florida International University, Miami, FL, and worked as a postdoctoral research associate. He was with InterDigital Communications between 2015 and 2019 and worked on IEEE 802.11 and 3GPP 5G NR standards. He is currently affiliated with the University of South Carolina as an Assistant Professor. His research is on signal processing techniques for the physical layer of wireless communication systems.

Millimeter-Wave Software-Defined Radio Testbed with Programmable Directionality

Marc Jean; Murat Yuksel; Xun Gong

Wireless node density and gigabit-per-second demands are pushing for more spatial reuse and higher frequency bands, which are realized by directional beamforming methods. Programming directionality of wireless beams is becoming a major need for software-defined radio (SDR) platforms. We present a low-cost "directional SDR" testbed that enables convenient programming of millimeter wave (mmWave) beam directions from a high-level programming language along with access to legacy SDR methods.
Speaker Marc Jean

PHD Student at the University of Central Florida Electrical and Computer Engineering Department

Session Chair

Deniz Gurkan (University of Houston, United States)

Session CNERT-D

Demo Session

5:10 PM — 6:00 PM EDT
May 20 Sat, 2:10 PM — 3:00 PM PDT

Demo: 5G NR, Wi-Fi and LiFi multi-connectivity for Industry 4.0

Ferran Canellas; Daniel Camps-Mur; Adriana Fernández-Fernández; Ivan Boyano; Miguel Urias; Jorge Navarro-Ortiz; Juan J. Ramos-Muñoz

The 5G-CLARITY project proposes a novel architecture for private 5G networks that converges Wi-Fi 6, 5G NR and LiFi under a common service platform for Industry 4.0. In this demonstration, we deploy the 5G-CLARITY system in a real factory setup and showcase its multi-connectivity framework, which allows to customize aggregation behavior for different devices. In particular, we demonstrate two different aggregation modes. First, a capacity aggregation mode that delivers between 200 Mbps and 600 Mbps to mobile devices throughout the factory floor. Second, a latency sensitive aggregation mode that is used to replace Ethernet connectivity for a production line achieving end-to-end delays below 10 ms.
Speaker Ferran Cañellas (i2CAT Foundation)

Ferran Cañellas received his degree in telecommunication systems engineering from Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), in 2016, and the M.Sc. degree in telecommunications from Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU), in 2018. He is a Senior Research and Development Engineer with i2CAT Foundation. Before joining i2CAT, he was a Research Assistant with DTU. Currently, his research is focused on the experimentation with multiple wireless access technologies, including IEEE 802.11 and cellular networks. His research interests include SDN and multipath TCP.

Demo: Interoperability between Cellular and V2X Networks (802.11p / LTE-PC5) under a Cloud Native Edge Scenario

Jordi Marias-i-Parella; Adrián Pino; Bruno Cordero; Jordi Casademont; Estela Carmona-Cejudo; Francisco Vázquez-Gallego

By leveraging the use of wireless communication technologies and edge computing capabilities, Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS) aim to improve safety and traffic management in mobility use cases. However, the deployment of C-ITS poses some critical challenges. Specifically, in heterogeneous systems, it is necessary to guarantee interoperability among the various available wireless technologies. This paper presents a cloud native (CN) infrastructure architecture for vehicular communications that guarantees the interoperability between cellular technologies (4G/5G), and specific Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) communication technologies, such as LTE-PC5 and IEEE 802.11p wireless communications standards. Such interoperability is demonstrated through the implementation of an Edge Infrastructure where a vehicle equipped with one of the aforementioned radio access technologies (RATs), sends Cooperative Awareness Messages (CAMs), and such messages are received in vehicles provisioned with different wireless technologies.
Speaker Jordi Marias-i-Parella

Born close to Barcelona, with a Bachelor's and Master's Studies in Telecom Engineering from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC). And the mobility period as a visiting researcher at the Illinois Insititute of Technology (IIT) during my Master's Thesis; allowed me to start my research career by presenting my first paper at the IEEE Globecom 2022.

I'm currently working as a R&D Network engineer at I2Cat Foundation further developing the V2X (Connected Vehicle) technologies. My position also requires professional software development experience I acquired working for Roche Diagnostics for around 2 years.

A Data Set and Reference Experiments for Multipath Wireless Emulation on Public Testbeds

Ilknur Aydin; Fraida Fund; Shivendra Panwar

As mobile devices with dual WiFi and cellular interfaces become widespread, network protocols have been developed that utilize the availability of multiple paths. To evaluate the performance of these protocols on a testbed, researchers often use link emulation with either synthetic traces or real traces from live WiFi and cellular networks. However, in a multipath scenario, the two links are not necessarily independent. The available bandwidth on the WiFi and cellular links may be negatively correlated (e.g. when moving from indoors to outdoors or vice versa) or positively correlated (e.g. when the local density of other users increases, so that both networks become more congested at the same time), and the result of an experimental evaluation of a multipath protocol will depend heavily on this relationship. Link traces of WiFi and cellular links measured \emph{at the same time, in the same place} are necessary for the reproducible evaluation of multipath protocols in a testbed environment. The contributions of this work, therefore are: first ever data set of wireless link traces measured simultaneously on WiFi and cellular interfaces of a mobile device, and reference experiments for replaying these traces on emulated links on the CloudLab and FABRIC testbeds.
Speaker Ilknur Aydin (Farmingdale State College, State University of New York)

Dr. Aydin is an associate professor Computer Systems and Farmingdale State College, New York. She received her Ph.D. and M.Sc. degrees in Computer Science from University of Delaware, USA. Her BS degree is in Computer Engineering from Marmara University in Istanbul, Turkey. Before coming to US for graduate studies, Dr. Aydin worked as a software engineer in a tech company in Istanbul, Turkey on projects such as implementation of a GPS based vehicle tracking system.

Dr. Aydin's research is in the general area of wireless and mobile networks with a focus on transport layer issues, SCTP protocol, multihoming, and congestion control. Dr. Aydin is also interested in computer science education and increasing the participation of women and diversity in computing. Dr. Aydin is a co-adviser of the Women in Computing club, ACM-W student chapter at Farmingdale.

Evaluating a multicast backhaul protocol for reliable low latency communication over mmWave links

Dimitrios Mastrogiannis; Fraida Fund; Shivendra Panwar

Millimeter wave (mmWave) wireless links are an important part of next generation cellular networks because of the abundant available bandwidth in this frequency band. However, these frequencies are highly susceptible to blockages due to obstructions in the signal path, making it difficult to reliably offer high-data-rate, low-latency service over mmWave links. In this work, we demonstrate a prototype of a previously proposed multicast backhaul architecture, which takes advantage of the excess capacity on mmWave backhaul links and multi-connectivity support at user devices to mitigate the latency associated with frequent blockages on the mmWave access network. The testbed implementation of this protocol overcomes some limitations of a previous mininet- and P4-based prototype, allowing us to run real-time experiments with live application traffic and evaluate the delay benefits of the proposed architecture.
Speaker Dimitrios Mastrogiannis ( New York University Abu Dhabi)

Graduating Senior studying Electrical Engineering at New York University Abu Dhabi

Session Chair

Violet R. Syrotiuk (Arizona State University, United States)

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