
Session AoI-Open

Opening Session

8:00 AM — 8:15 AM EDT
May 20 Sat, 7:00 AM — 7:15 AM CDT

Session Chair

Clement Kam

Session AoI-Key


8:15 AM — 9:00 AM EDT
May 20 Sat, 7:15 AM — 8:00 AM CDT

Gossiping for Timeliness

Sennur Ulukus

This talk does not have an abstract.
Speaker Sennur Ulukus
Speaker biography is not available.

Session Chair

Ahmed Arafa

Session AoI-SCH

Scheduling and Optimization for AoI

9:00 AM — 10:30 AM EDT
May 20 Sat, 8:00 AM — 9:30 AM CDT

AoI-Constrained Transmission Scheduling with HARQ and Heterogeneous Sampling Processes

Saeid Sadeghi Vilni (University of Oulu, Finland); Mohammad Moltafet (University of California Santa Cruz (UCSC), USA); Markus Leinonen (University of Oulu, Finland); Marian Codreanu (Linkoping University, Sweden)

We consider a hybrid automatic repeat request (HARQ) based status update system where timely information from multiple sources with different sampling processes (uncontrollable and controllable sampling) is sent via a transmitter to a destination through an error-prone channel. To minimize the average number of transmissions subject to an average age of information constraint, we propose a near-optimal deterministic transmission policy. We formulate a constrained Markov decision process (CMDP) problem and provide a solution using the Lagrangian relaxation method and relative value iteration algorithm.
Speaker Saeid Sadeghi Vilni (University of Oulu)

Saeid Sadeghi Vilni, received the M.Sc. (Tech.) degree in electrical engineering from the Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran, in 2017. He is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree with the Centre for Wireless Communications, University of Oulu, Finland. His current research interests include the age of information, machine learning for wireless applications, and radio resource allocation and optimization in wireless networks.

Age of Information of a Power Constrained Scheduler in the Presence of a Power Constrained Adversary

Subhankar Banerjee, Sennur Ulukus and Anthony Ephremides (University of Maryland, USA)

We consider a time slotted communication network consisting of a base station (BS), an adversary, N users and N_s communication channels. Both the BS and the adversary have average power constraints and the probability of successful transmission of an update packet depends on the transmission power of the BS and the blocking power of the adversary. We provide a universal lower bound for the average age for this communication network. We prove that the uniform scheduling algorithm with any feasible transmission power choosing policy is 4 optimal; and the max-age user choosing policy is 2 optimal. In the second part of the paper, we consider the setting where the BS chooses a transmission policy and the adversary chooses a blocking policy from the set of randomized stationary policies. We show that the Nash equilibrium point may or may not exist for this communication network. We find special cases where the Nash equilibrium always exists.
Speaker Subhankar Banerjee (University of Maryland, College Park)

Subhankar Banerjee is a 3rd year PhD student under the supervision of Prof. Sennur Ulukus and Prof. Anthony Ephremides.

Timely Mobile Routing: An Experimental Study

Vishakha Ramani (Rutgers University, USA); Jiachen Chen (WINLAB, Rutgers University, USA); Roy Yates (Rutgers University, USA)

Time-critical cyber-physical system applications demand the timely delivery of information. In this work, we employ a high-speed packet processing testbed to quantitatively analyze a packet forwarding application running on a shared memory multi-processor architecture, where efficient synchronization of concurrent access to a Forwarding Information Base is essential for low-latency and timely delivery of information. While modern packet processing frameworks are optimized for maximum packet throughput, their ability to support timely delivery remains an open question. Here we focus on the age of information performance issues induced by throughput-focused packet processing frameworks. Our results underscore the importance of careful selection of offered load parameters and concurrency constructs in such frameworks.
Speaker Vishakha Ramani (Rutgers University)

Vishakha Ramani is a doctoral candidate at Rutgers University, where she is affiliated with the Wireless Information Networks Laboratory (WINLAB) and the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE). In 2020, she earned a Master of Science degree from the ECE department at Rutgers University. Her research focuses on developing, analyzing, and designing algorithms for real-time networked systems, with a particular emphasis on using the Age-of-Information (AoI) as a performance metric of interest.

Age-Optimal Multi-Channel-Scheduling under Energy and Tolerance Constraints

Xujin Zhou, Irem Koprulu and Atilla Eryilmaz (The Ohio State University, USA)

We study the optimal scheduling problem where $n$ source nodes attempt to transmit updates over $L$ shared wireless on/off fading channels to optimize their age performance under energy and age-violation tolerance constraints. Specifically, we provide a generic formulation of age-optimization in the form of a constrained Markov Decision Processes (CMDP), and obtain the optimal scheduler as the solution of an associated Linear Programming problem. We investigate the characteristics of the optimal single-user multi-channel scheduler for the important special cases of average-age and violation-rate minimization. This leads to several key insights on the nature of the optimal allocation of the limited energy, where a usual threshold-based policy does not apply and will be useful in guiding scheduler designers. We then investigate the stability region of the optimal scheduler for the multi-user case. We also develop an online scheduler using Lyapunov-drift-minimization methods that do not require the knowledge of channel statistics. Our numerical studies compare the stability region of our online scheduler to the optimal scheduler to reveal that it performs closely with unknown channel statistics.
Speaker Xujin Zhou (The Ohio State University)

Session Chair


Session AoI-CBrk

Virtual Coffee Break

10:30 AM — 11:00 AM EDT
May 20 Sat, 9:30 AM — 10:00 AM CDT

Session AoI-BEY

Beyond AoI Metrics

11:00 AM — 12:40 PM EDT
May 20 Sat, 10:00 AM — 11:40 AM CDT

Timely Opportunistic Gossiping in Dense Networks

Purbesh Mitra and Sennur Ulukus (University of Maryland, USA)

We consider gossiping in a fully-connected wireless network consisting of $n$ nodes. The network receives Poisson updates from a source, which generates new information. The nodes gossip their available information with the neighboring nodes to maintain network timeliness. In this work, we propose two gossiping schemes, one semi-distributed and the other one fully-distributed. In the semi-distributed scheme, the freshest nodes use pilot signals to interact with the network and gossip with the full available update rate $B$. In the fully-distributed scheme, each node gossips for a fixed amount of time duration with the full update rate $B$. Both schemes achieve $O(1)$ age scaling, and the semi-distributed scheme has the best age performance for any symmetric randomized gossiping policy. We compare the results with the recently proposed ASUMAN scheme, which also gives $O(1)$ age performance, but the nodes need to be age-aware.
Speaker Purbesh Mitra (University of Maryland)

Purbesh Mitra is a PhD student at University of Maryland, working under the supervision of Prof. Sennur Ulukus. His main research interests are in the areas of information freshness, distributed communication networks and optimization.

Analysis of Age of Incorrect Information under Generic Transmission Delay

Yutao Chen and Anthony Ephremides (University of Maryland, USA)

This paper investigates the Age of Incorrect Information (AoII) in a communication system whose channel suffers a random delay. We consider a slotted-time system where a transmitter observes a dynamic source and decides when to send updates to a remote receiver through the communication channel. The threshold policy, under which the transmitter initiates transmission only when the AoII exceeds the threshold, governs the transmitter's decision. In this paper, we analyze and calculate the performance of the threshold policy in terms of the achieved AoII. Using the Markov chain to characterize the system evolution, the expected AoII can be obtained precisely by solving a system of linear equations whose size is finite and depends on the threshold. We also give closed-form expressions of the expected AoII under two particular thresholds. Finally, calculation results show that there are better strategies than the transmitter constantly transmitting new updates.
Speaker Yutao Chen (University of Maryland)

Optimization of AoII and QAoII in Multi-User Links

Muratcan Ayik (Middle East Technical University & ASELSAN Inc., Turkey); Elif Tugce Ceran (Middle East Technical University, Turkey); Elif Uysal (METU, Turkey)

We consider a network with multiple sources and a base station that send time-sensitive information to remote clients. The Age of Incorrect Information (AoII) captures the freshness of the informative pieces of status update packets at the destinations. We derive the closed-form Whittle Index formulation for a push-based multi-user network over unreliable channels with AoII-dependent cost functions. We also propose a new semantic performance metric for pull-based systems, named the Age of Incorrect Information at Query (QAoII), that quantifies AoII at particular instants when clients generate queries. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed Whittle Index-based scheduling policies for both AoII and QAoII-dependent cost functions are superior to benchmark policies, and adopting query-aware scheduling can significantly improve the timeliness for scenarios where a single user or multiple users are scheduled at a time.
Speaker Muratcan Ayik (Middle East Technical University & ASELSAN Inc.)

Muratcan Ayik is an MSc student at Middle East Technical University, working under the supervision of Prof. Elif Uysal and Assist. Prof. Elif Tugce Ceran.

Age of Actuation in a Wireless Power Transfer System

Ali Nikkhah (Linkoping University, Sweden); Anthony Ephremides (University of Maryland, USA); Nikolaos Pappas (Linköping University, Sweden)

In this paper, we study a model that is relevant to semantics-aware goal-oriented communications. More specifically, observations from an external process are transmitted through status updates to a battery-powered receiver. From these updates, the receiver is informed about the status of the process and uses them to perform an actuation if there is sufficient energy to achieve a goal. We consider a wireless power transfer model where the destination receives energy from a dedicated power transmitter and occasionally from the data transmitter, both transmitters are sharing a common channel. We provide the analysis for the Age of Information (AoI). Furthermore, we propose a new metric, namely the Age of Actuation (AoA) which is relevant when the receiver utilizes the status updates to perform actions in a timely manner. We analytically characterize the AoA and we show that is a more general metric than AoI. We provide the optimization problems for both metrics, and we numerically evaluate our analytical results.
Speaker Ali Nikkhah

Ph.D. student and researcher at the Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden.

Age of Information in Deep Learning-Driven Task-Oriented Communications

Yalin E Sagduyu (Virginia Tech, USA); Sennur Ulukus (University of Maryland, USA); Aylin Yener (The Ohio State University, USA)

This paper studies the notion of age in task-oriented communications that aims to execute a task at a receiver utilizing the data at its transmitter. The transmitter-receiver operations are modeled as an encoder-decoder pair that is jointly trained while considering channel effects. The encoder converts data samples into feature vectors of small dimension and transmits them with a small number of channel uses thereby reducing the number of transmissions and latency. Instead of reconstructing input samples, the decoder performs a task, e.g., classification, on the received signals. Applying different deep neural networks of encoder-decoder pairs on MNIST and CIFAR-10 image datasets, the classifier accuracy is shown to increase with the number of channel uses at the expense of longer service time. The peak age of task information (PAoTI) is introduced to analyze this accuracy-latency tradeoff when the age grows unless a received signal is classified correctly. By incorporating channel and traffic effects, design guidelines are obtained for task-oriented communications by characterizing how the PAoTI first decreases and then increases with the number of channel uses. A dynamic update mechanism is presented to adapt the number of channel uses to channel and traffic conditions, and reduce the PAoTI in task-oriented communications.
Speaker Yalin Sagduyu (Virginia Tech)

Yalin Sagduyu is a Research Professor at Virginia Tech National Security Insti­tute. He is also a Visiting Research Professor at University of Maryland, College Park. Previously, he was the director of networks and security at Intelligent Automation. He received Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from University of Maryland, College Park, in 2007. He is an Editor of IEEE Transactions on Communications and IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking. He served in the organized committee of many IEEE and ACM conferences and workshops. His research interests are in wireless communications, networks, security, and machine learning.

Session Chair

Sastry Kompella

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