Session Panel

Panel: AI+Network: Look Back, Look Forward

10:30 AM — 12:00 PM PDT
May 22 Wed, 1:30 PM — 3:00 PM EDT
Regency C

Panel: AI+Network: Look Back, Look Forward

Chunyi Peng (Purdue University, USA) 

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has undergone remarkable advancements, profoundly influencing research in next-generation networks and edge computing. Over the recent years, the field has experienced substantial investment in interdisciplinary research, forging collaborations between AI and networking research communities. This has been notably evident in significant projects and research centers, boasting large teams of researchers and numerous accomplishments. Comprising distinguished researchers from academia and funding agencies, this panel aims to retrospect and anticipate future developments. The panelists will articulate their perspectives on AI+Network, shed light on the research challenges their teams are currently tackling, and engage in discussions on major research topics and grand challenges for the upcoming decade. Furthermore, they will share valuable lessons and insights gained from their experiences to propel advancements in this direction.
Speaker Moderator:  Chunyi Peng (Purdue University, USA) 
Panelists: Suman Banerjee (University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA) Falko Dressler (Technical University of Berlin, Germany) Ness Shroff (The Ohio State University, USA) Murat Torlak (NSF, USA)

Session Chair

Chunyi Peng (Purdue University, USA)

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