Session Panel

Panel - Networking: An Agenda for the Next Decade

10:30 AM — 12:00 PM EDT
May 18 Thu, 9:30 AM — 11:00 AM CDT
Babbio 122

Networking: An Agenda for the Next Decade

Panelists: Ann C Von Lehmen (NSF, USA); Deepankar Medhi (NSF, USA); Ananthram Swami (Army Research Laboratory, USA); Edward Knightly (Rice University, USA); Leandros Tassiulas (Yale University, USA); Moderator: Srikanth Krishnamurthy (University of California Riverside, USA)

Research has always been ahead of commercial/DoD prototype deployments. We have already seen investment in emerging technologies such as software defined networking for cellular, solutions for 360 degrees video, machine learning for networking including federated learning, smart CPS, and proactive in-network solutions to security.  However, gaps remain between where these technologies are today, and where we need to be, to see them everywhere. In this panel, we seek to discuss topics that we need to delve into in the near future, and the questions that we need answered, to shape the networks that we will see a decade from now. We have a team of seminal researchers from academia and leaders from DoD and NSF, who will provide their vision towards where they think networking research should be oriented going forward, and what are the critical questions that we as researchers should focus upon.
Speaker biography is not available.

Session Chair

Srikanth Krishnamurthy (University of California Riverside, USA)

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